Super Smash Quest² - Story - Chapter 77: Fighting for the Time Device
Date: 5:11:24 PM, May 18th 2009.
Metal Man (GM): Recap: Last we checked, the Questers followed some suspicions of Schatze and went up to Ael. Thinking either Panzer or Schatze did it, Ael tried to determine the difference between two nearly exact bodies and became distracted long enough for a crazed robot to punch him, and from there it all went downhill as Schatze morphed into a mech, Ael lost his time device, Aribar sent Schatze into five different portals, and the time device is now hiding out there... SOMEWHERE. Along with this, Metal Man appears to want the device, and Ael swears to retrieve it. But no one has an exact idea of where it is, sooo... The Questers are at HQ, feeling rested but probably worried, as reports stream in over the radio of Red Text's forces roaming about, and increasing tensions between the 'Neo Repliforce' and GUN.
Digifanatic: "Now we have the perfect storm..."
Kenku is downstairs in the arena at the moment swinging his sword a little, before walking towards the mailbox.
Deloth walks in to where the others are, mask on. "So what are we going to do now?"
Digifanatic: "Figure out a way to get the Time Device and/or hope that somehow we have enough strength and miracles to take down the Time Cops ourselves."
Aribar: "I believe we should tackle the biggest problem first; the threat that the Time Cops can destroy our entire universe."
Digifanatic: "Yes."
Kenku: "I doubt we're going to be able to simmer any strife between the two groups unfortunately... well except maybe Panzer..."
Deloth: "So what are we going to do WHEN we get it? Who do we give it to?"
Kenku: "So I agree... we need to go find the machine."
Digifanatic: "Forget the Repliforce/GUN part for now..."
Kenku: "We give it to Metal."
Aribar: "Giving it to Ael seems like a bad idea, and Red Text seems to have gone insane. Metal, ironically knowing his nature, is the logical and sensible choice."
Kenku: "Unless... you think someone like Digi can make it work."
Metal Man (GM): With Schatze gone you don't really have anyone close at hand to ask about these things, but you do have your phone/radio/etc.
Digifanatic: "I don't think I've ever tapped into a device quite as crucial as this time gadget..."
Kenku: "Well... I guess the first question is who outside of Ari is good as Plane magic?"
Deloth: "...Guess Metal does seem like the best shot we've got. So where is it? Nobody, Kenku."
Kenku: "It's lost in one of the elemental planes..."
Aribar: "I recall Red Text having a Plane spellbook, as well as Luigi. I do not know if either can actually use that magic, though."
Deloth: "That's the big question. WHICH plane?"
Digifanatic: "And obviously asking the former is not a wise idea... Yeah, there are 5 of them..."
Aribar: "There were five planes: fire, lightning, earth, ice, and wind. The first two would probably be horridly hazardous to traverse, and the others cannot be that nice either."
Kenku: "Exploration, and maybe detection magic is probably the only way to know... unless we know someone that really know it."
Deloth: "Hmm..."
Aribar: "However, depending upon how planar travel works, the device could be very simple to find."
Deloth: "If I had to say, I'd vote for the planes of Earth and Wind first."
Digifanatic: "How simple are we talking?"
Aribar: "In my jaunts to other planes I noticed that I typically arrived in a world practically identical to our own; the same location, only adapted to that plane. For example, Westopolis was a deep jungle in the Dark plane, but it still kept roughly the same geography. So if we go back to the site of our battle, we may just find the device lying right on the ground on the other side of the portal. As long as it didn't wander away somehow..."
Digifanatic: "Ah..."
Deloth: "I'd say the Earth plane is probably our safest bet for right now."
Digifanatic: "Yeah. So where were we fighting again? On West Island?"
Kenku: "Interesting. So does that mean we would have to plane jump 5 times and look in each in the simplest way?"
Aribar: "The northern part of the Maverick continent."
Digifanatic: "Oh, okay."
Metal Man (GM): The ship sits, ready for use.
Kenku: "Which... could be a problem in itself..."
Aribar: "Yes, Kenku. However, there is a complication."
Kenku: "That being?"
Aribar: "My magical reserves only have enough energy for five transportations a day. Five one-way transportations."
Kenku: "Oh... so at best in a day we could check two..."
Aribar: "I could potentially attempt to hold open a portal for a person to go through, but I do not know what would happen if my concentration were to break."
Deloth: "Three. Maybe four."
Aribar: "I could do four transports and still safely make it back to this plane."
Digifanatic: "Okay then... hang on."
Deloth: "Go from here to the first plane for one, hop from there to the second, then to the third, then to the fourth, then hop back here. Assuming we can jump from other planes like that."
Digifanatic: "Right. But maybe we can't." *He walks over to the phone book to look up Luigi's phone number.*
Metal Man (GM): You see Luigi's number, sitting right there.
Deloth: "I don't think I've even got enough magic power to use Plane. Can't even cast Rejoin right now..."
Digifanatic dials it up from the HQ's phone.
Kenku: "There's also the risk Del that something happens to Ari... then were all stuck."
Deloth: "Just throwing in my two cents, Kenku."
Digifanatic: *P* "Hello, Luigi, are you there?"
Luigi: "Whoa! Who-a-is-it? I hope it isn't the-a boos!"
Digifanatic: "No, of course not. This is the Questers on this side."
Luigi: "So... what's-a up?"
Digifanatic: "We stopped by your house a while back and we believe you have a book based on the spell called Plane, am I correct?"
Luigi: "Yes-a... what about it?"
Digifanatic: "Have you mastered that particular spell yet?"
Luigi: "Me? A spell? I'm not a magician--I-a just wrote down my Final Smash knowledge!"
Digifanatic: "Ohhhhh... I doubt this Final Smash doesn't involve travel into multiple different planes, huh?"
Luigi: "Nope!"
Aribar: "Does he know anyone capable of moving through various planes?"
Digifanatic: *To Aribar* "I was just going to go there." *P* "Oh, okay. We understand. Do you know anybody else that is capable of traveling through planes?"
Luigi: "...No." *He sounds discouraged.* "The only-a person who did was-a Count Bleck! He-a was killed-a before our land-a got here!"
Digifanatic: "Dang. Thanks anyway."
Deloth: *Continues waiting for Digi to get off the phone, ears drooping slightly when he hears that "Dang".*
Luigi: "Sorry. I-a talk to you later!" *Click.*
Digifanatic: *Hangs up as well.*
Deloth: "No luck, huh?"
Digifanatic: "Nah..."
Metal Man (GM): So, what do you check next?
Deloth: "So. Guess we'll just have to wing it, then."
Digifanatic: "Yeah... either we have 2-4 planes we feel the most confident about and catch a good break, or we have to fight it out."
Deloth: "Again, I'm voting for Earth and Wind."
Digifanatic: "Right... Hmm... that time device was basically like a computer, right?"
Deloth takes out the shadow orb he got. "Or we could ask the crystal ball."
Aribar: "If I recall correctly, it was a little watch."
Digifanatic: "...Wait a minute. Isn't there that shrine back on one of the islands around here we could check?"
Metal Man (GM): It is located on your map.
Deloth: "The oracle thing? I thought we sealed that back up."
Metal Man (GM): That little island to the Northwest.
Digifanatic: "That thing that directed us to the continent where we stumbled across Vylch the first time, looking for Metal Man? Yeah, I forgot if we did or didn't, Deloth--it has been a while."
Metal Man (GM): Forgetting is half the battle :p You don't see it on a recent map, but an old one shows it to the Northwest.
Deloth: "...Want to swing by there and check?"
Aribar tries to remember if that thing still worked the last time they were there.
Metal Man (GM): The last time you were at the island, it worked.
Aribar: "It cannot hurt."
Digifanatic: "Hopefully, it won't." *Runs for the ship.*
Kenku walks to the ship.
Metal Man (GM): You go to the ship.
Deloth heads to le ship as well, getting in his usual seat.
Digifanatic: *Takes off for the island in the northwest.*
Metal Man (GM): You get in the ship, and take off. Flying out there, you go to where the island was.. ..And see a melted mess half-submerged.
Digifanatic: "Oh man, when did that happen?"
Metal Man (GM): Yeeaaahhh... this was melted to bits, then the statues taken away. There's hardly anything left of it.
Kenku looks out seeing this. "My goodness..."
Deloth: " much for that idea."
Digifanatic: "Yeah..." *Flies it back to HQ.*
Aribar: "We might as well head to the Maverick Continent and get started."
Metal Man (GM): So, that didn't work. What shall we try for #3?
Digifanatic: *Well, MavCon, yeah, that's the better destination.*
Metal Man (GM): You fly on over there.
Kenku: "Yea, in the end, we may as well start... I would suggest seeing if anyone else knows knowledge of the planes, but I dunno who does."
Digifanatic looks for the approximate position of where they fought during the previous session and lands the ship in that area if it's clear.
Metal Man (GM): It makes a multi-person, one-way transport. You see the burnt area and the giant footprints. There it is, right there--the location.
Digifanatic: "So we've agreed on Earth and Wind, right? For starters?"
Aribar: "Aye. Provided Earth isn't a solid wall of dirt, it should be the easiest."
Digifanatic: "Okay."
Kenku: "Yea."
Aribar gets out of the ship and stands where the monstrosity of a robot was.
Digifanatic follows Ari.
Deloth: .oO(Pure elemental planes... I'm sort of looking forward to this and seeing what they look like...) *He gets out, walking over to the footprints.*
Metal Man (GM): You stand there.
Deloth: "Alright, I'm ready to go."
Digifanatic: "Yeah..."
Kenku makes sure his shoes are on snugly. "Ready."
Aribar: "Actually, I take back one thing that I said earlier; I should be able to make multi-person portals; they will still be one-way, however." *He goes to cast the spell to summon a portal to the Plane of Earth.*
Digifanatic: "I guess this means you're lagging behind while the rest of us head in?"
Metal Man (GM): You make a portal, to a world much the same, only there is only the dirt there. It is like the other, earlier places you went to--inhabitable but weirdly altered from the normal world.
Digifanatic looks in the portal...
Aribar: "No, I will come with you; otherwise you would all be trapped in there."
Metal Man (GM): You see a trail of steps and debris.
Digifanatic: "I'm not sure there's any oxygen in here..."
Deloth steps into the portal, looking around.
Aribar would step on through to be the test subject!
Metal Man (GM): Strangely, there is air. This must be the very specific place Aribar thought of before, and he thinks of these places as having air. Weird how that works.
Digifanatic takes a deep breath and heads in, unaware there is air...
Kenku sees the two of them having no trouble and steps in.
Aribar: "Well, I have not instantly died; it is somewhat safe!"
Deloth takes a few deep breaths. "Seems to be okay. Come on through, guys."
Metal Man (GM): You see the debris + steps heading up towards the top of a hill.
Digifanatic: *Exhales* "Oh wow." *Scans the area for the device.*
Kenku: "The machine couldn't of fallen far from here could it?"
Aribar would cast Sensory in an attempt to locate the device, or any trace of the device. "Hopefully it didn't."
Deloth starts heading up the steps, looking around.
Digifanatic: "Hang on... if everything here is dirt... Never mind..."
Aribar: "We aren't dirt; hopefully foreign objects won't transform into the realm's element. I think that these planes are slightly different than the planes of pure gold and titanium that I summoned before."
Digifanatic: "Yeah..."
Metal Man (GM): You use up a Sensory to see... what you walk towards anyway.
Deloth: "I dunno. It's actually kind of nice. Tranquil and peaceful."
Metal Man (GM): As up at the top of the hill, you see a de-morphed Schatze clutching in his hand, the Time device. Dead. Looks like he fought something. Something... else.
Deloth: .oO(Wow, first try.)
Metal Man (GM): Not you. You couldn't create the rather smooth, circular holes in him. He glows oddly, too.
Deloth runs up towards Schatze, grabbing the device ASAP.
Aribar: "Get back here as soon as possible; we're getting out of here as soon as you get that!"
Digifanatic: "Hang on, the guy's glowing something weird..."
Kenku: "Doesn't matter. We got what we needed... his body can be radioactive for all I care!"
Deloth is grabbing the device anyway, if he can.
Metal Man (GM): You go to grab it. Rainbow energy sears your hand horribly. 50 damage to Deloth.
Digifanatic: "Ari, you have some neutralization spell or something?"
Metal Man (GM): Whose hand burns, freezes, blows, zaps, and gets covered in dirt all at once.
Aribar: "...Hey, guess who just remembered that the device is supposed to have anti-theft measures?"
Kenku: "More likely spell after effects by the looks Ari."
Deloth: "GAH!" *He shakes his hand, swearing a few times.*
Aribar: "Or that, aye." *He would unsheath Sunlight and go up to Deloth.*
Deloth: "Dammit... Ari, pull that thing away with Kinesis."
Aribar: "I was afraid that there was actually some sort of powerful elemental that killed Schatze; maybe he simply attempted to use it."
Deloth: "I think it's that prismatic magic you used."
Aribar would heal Deloth with a restorative spell (30 HP) before attempting to use Kinesis to pry the device from Schatze's cold, dead body.
Metal Man (GM): It glows all rainbow-like, the body also glowing that way.
Deloth: "I got my hand shot with five different elements at once."
Metal Man (GM): The Kinesis hits the device. You hear some real weird noise and light flies off it all odd as it does not budge.
Aribar: .oO(That's not supposed to happen...)
Deloth: "...Terrific."
Metal Man (GM): Suddenly, the device begins to move slowly.
Kenku: "Uh oh..."
Digifanatic stands back a few steps.
Deloth blinks in surprise, reaching for his blades.
Aribar: "Kinesis failed; I'm not doing that. Weapons ready, all. I know that on Whaller there were prismatic barriers that could be broken by casting the right sequence of spells; I do not know, and doubt, that it is the same in this realm."
Metal Man (GM): You see another portal rip open.
Deloth: "Why is it that we ALWAYS find ourselves having to kill something?"
Metal Man (GM): Vylch. Figures.
Deloth: "..."
Digifanatic: "Especially him?"
Deloth: "Dude, just leave."
Kenku: "You guys sure its Vylch..."
Aribar: "Greetings..."
Vylch: "The device cannot be removed by your magic. I know, because that Ael has tried."
Kenku: "Oh... so Ael tries to plane just and was the one which put holes in him?"
Vylch: "It cannot be moved by severing, shooting, exploding, or teleporting it; I know, because Metal Man has also been seen trying. You are the latest of a number of people who came to remove the device which is, errr, a certain person's device now."
Deloth: "And that person is?"
Vylch: "Normally I would kill you, or take the device, but... master has told me to give you this instead."
Metal Man (GM): He hands Aribar a flat screen monitor. Text begins scrolling on it.
Aribar: "Well, it's nice to see that we got to this thing before anyone el... What's this?" *Reads the text out loud to the others...*
Red Text: 'Hello. It appears you encountered a bug. That is... ...I did not intend to do what you saw Schatze do. He went rogue.'
Deloth: "..."
Red Text: 'It is true, I wish to prevent the Time Cops. But it would only cause more of them to seize the device in that fashion.'
Deloth: "RT's the worst liar ever, huh?"
Red Text: 'Indeed, I was on the verge of a TREATY with Ael when the body became rogue.'
Kenku: "Really?"
Red Text: 'It would appear the heuristic processor activated after an incident severed the link. He fooled my computers and, using some strange combination of my data, Panzer's, the Maverick Virus, and even some of Vylch's when I mistakenly revived him, became... something else. I must thank you for disabling him, for calculations show if he was to activate with the device just one time... Time Cops would be the least of our concerns.'
Deloth: "What the hell does he mean by that?"
Red Text: 'What do I mean?'
Metal Man (GM): An arrow points to Schatze. The device moves a little again.
Deloth: "Oh, so you can hear us? Can you prove you're telling the truth?"
Red Text: 'I can, but the only way, unfortunately, would wake Schatze, who would prove my point, and then also prove being uncontrollable. He was disabled by my personal robots... perhaps that would be good enough evidence?'
Metal Man (GM): Some robots walk in and fire lasers. Their lasers conform to the diameter of the holes.
Deloth: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Vylch morphs into a clone of Schatze, who is shot, and he mock-dies, winding up in the same pose, with the same holes.
Aribar: "And why didn't you contact us through other means to warn us about Schatze?"
Red Text: 'Schatze had spoofed all my incoming connections. You must remember, he had the combined intelligence of me, Panzer, the Maverick Virus, and for a few moments, Vylch. Left unchecked he would have lead you to your deaths, caused a war which would only feed his demand for stealing data, and more.'
Deloth: "Speaking of which, how'd you get him under your control?"
Red Text: 'Panzer built the body originally, and up until an instant where the body was disabled by EMP or an explosion... it was me.'
Deloth: "I meant Vylch."
Red Text: 'Beyond that it was him. The records of the army were also his, but he gave it to me to control. I seized the initiative after you knocked him down. But it took all kinds of time to send another probe down... He has been under my control for a very long time. Recall facing three of them in my satellite, ne?'
Digifanatic: "I do."
Red Text: 'Now. To ensure nothing gets out of control, I have a way to separate Schatze's body from the device. The device, I have agreed with Ael, may well be left in its current state. But Schatze could activate again at any time, with that prismatic energy potentially hitting a circuit and sparking a chain reaction...'
Deloth: "So do it already."
Red Text: 'I cannot do it, it requires Quester life energy, and I am stuck in my satellite. I require you to heal Schatze's body, so that the anti-magic crystals activate and block out the field. Then cast a portal back to the normal realm. The shock will annihilate Schatze's body. Ping times are beginning to decrease from Schatze. I suggest you do it quickly.'
Metal Man (GM): You begin to see more slight movement where Schatze is.
Deloth: "Why do you need OUR life energy to do it?"
Aribar: "Would curative magic, the same kind that I just used on Deloth, work?"
Kenku: "I think that's what RT means... how much is needed?"
Red Text: 'Yes. The presence of your energy plus the healing energy will jump-start him, but also remove the Quester-aligned spell you accidentally made on his body. And his body alone. Just... one... healing thing. But it must be precise.
Metal Man (GM): It'll take a Will check to precisely aim the healing at everything but Schatze's time-device clutching arm.
Deloth: "... ...Ari, you get the honors."
Kenku: "I see... I'd do it, but I don't know how precise I'd be..."
Deloth: "And I swear, if this is a double-cross, I will come up to that space station and kill you myself."
Aribar: "A quick vote; everyone trusts this horridly untrustable Red Text's idea?"
Kenku: "Its better than any idea were right now thinking up. I'd say go for it."
Metal Man (GM): The screen is silent, while you see, alarmingly, Schatze's right arm twitch and begin to move.
Digifanatic: "What else can we do?"
Deloth: "...If we're going to do this, we need to do it now. Ari?"
Metal Man (GM): Perhaps Red Text's idea is not the only way, but you'll need -a- way, and it's Quester-aligned magic, so you can't have, like, Ael fix it.
Aribar: "Wait until the world is damned. I see no dissent, so without further wait..."
Metal Man (GM): Otherwise he'd-a stolen it. The pulsing rainbow energy gets quicker, as it would appear to be interacting with something.
Aribar would attempt to cast Cure on Schatze to set this whole plan into motion.
Metal Man (GM): All it takes is a healing spell with a Will check. His whole body lights up. The field violently dissipates over all of it, except... ...for the device. Yet he's holding it...
Red Text: 'Now! Plane him to the normal world!'
Aribar: *Plane: 'Normal' world!*
Schatze: "Wha... alive? Here? ...The device! It's in my--"
Metal Man (GM): You make up for your last horrible check by doing a precision plane effect. He flies on into your realm. The device sits there.
Deloth runs over and grabs it.
Red Text: 'Analysis shows the field cannot be removed except by Questers.'
Metal Man (GM): Deloth grabs it and gets burnt by the remaining field on the teleporter. Aribar was off in that he accidentally healed his arm, but he didn't fail, so... 40 damage to Del.
Red Text: 'I leave it up to you if you wish to leave it, for if you do, no one will be able to touch it but you anyway.'
Aribar: "And if we take it then anyone can touch it?"
Deloth: "Khh..." *Just takes it.*
Red Text: 'Well, the only save way TO take it requires removing the field... So yes.'
Deloth: "Ari, could I get a quick heal, please?"
Aribar: *2 Cures, 60 HP.*
Red Text: 'It's not central to my plans. On the other hand, do note that a mundane, but still alive, Schatze, is currently running towards the mainland of the Maverick Continent.'
Aribar: "Wait, won't Schatze be alive on the other side of the portal?"
Deloth: "Much obliged."
Aribar: "Hm."
Red Text: 'Yes. You may want to destroy him.'
Deloth: "Let him. Whoever's there'll tear him apart."
Red Text: 'I fear he still retains many things.'
Aribar: "Guys, do we have a way to contact Metal? Bleh, one thing at a time; should we dispose of Schatze before he gets away?"
Digifanatic: "Maybe. He might have his own radio or something, knowing him..."
Deloth: "..."
Red Text: 'If you require Metal Man, he is nearby. Ael has agreed not to chase him until you have finished your business. Lest you do something brash like take the device out and try to destroy it, or use it.'
Deloth: "Let's do it."
Digifanatic: "We do not want to destroy it... And now is certainly not the time to use it."
Kenku: "Is giving it to Metal counted as Brash?"
Red Text: 'Indomitably.'
Kenku: "Ok... second question... how do we know giving it to Ael won't doom this world?"
Deloth tries using a Minor Heal on the device.
Metal Man (GM): The field is removed.
Deloth NOW stashes it in his chest cavity. "Alright, hopefully it'll be safe there. Now, we go swat Schatze?"
Digifanatic: "Might as well."
Kenku: "Isn't he already swatted?"
Deloth: "...Kenku. Are you deaf?"
Red Text: 'He is outside, running into Maverick Country. The same action which prevented him from becoming a prismatic elder deity of sorts also set him loose. I will pay you well if you actually destroy him.'
Deloth: "Or blind, considering that screen?"
Kenku: "Oh."
Deloth: "Will he wind up getting charged up with our energy again if we battle him?"
Kenku starts to run after him.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar casts the portal back for Kenku.
Aribar: "I believe we should deal with Schatze and then the device; is everyone ready to head back?"
Metal Man (GM): Kenku runs outside the realm, and sees Schatze running into the forest.
Deloth: "Good. Let's go." *He heads out of the portal.*
Metal Man (GM): Deloth takes one step out of the portal, and bumps into Ael.
Kenku tries to hustle and catch up with Schatze, reading into a slash if he's close enough.
Ael: "Boo."
Metal Man (GM): Wow, he came from nowhere.
Deloth: "..." *Long sigh* "I don't suppose you're going to let me leave peacefully."
Ael: "Give me the device, since you thoughtfully removed the only enchantment in a million years to resist my personal disenchantment spell for me. Or you can run after him." *He points to Schatze.* "He wants it too. But the further you get from me... the more crazed and irrational people you get coming for it... So it is your choice, how much you hate yourself. I can wait."
Metal Man (GM): The others are chasing after Schatze.
Deloth just runs towards the others, coming after Schatze.
Metal Man (GM): It's like any movie chase scene, as they run through the forest, alternately tripping occasionally, Schatze doing the same.
Ael: *Smirks* "You'll come back soon enough."
Deloth: *Muttering* "Man, this thing is uncomfortable pressing against my lungs..."
Metal Man (GM): Deloth hears a telepathic call fly through the air.
Deloth slows down a bit, pricking up his ears and listening.
Ael: *TP* "A miracle device which can move through time is in the possession of Deloth. Finders Keepers. It's inside his body. Maverick Continents, *Exact numeric location*."
Metal Man (GM): The telepathic message is then heard by all the Questers. And, in fact, anything else, organic or not.
Deloth: "SHIT..." *He takes off running at top speed.*
Aribar: "Did he just do that? Okay, change in plans! Who wants to head to the Plane of Inversed Colors to escape?"
Kenku says to the others. "Can someone slow him down!"
Metal Man (GM): You run after him. You need not struggle to slow him down--he stops suddenly.
Deloth: "..."
Digifanatic: "That may not be a bad idea, Ari, problem is, if they see our ship..."
Metal Man (GM): He turns around to face you.
Deloth screeches to a halt and takes off in a different direction.
Kenku stops, and pulls up the shield if there is a sudden attack.
Aribar would cast Plane to the world of Inversed Colors!
Schatze: "Well, I must admit. I didn't expect my satellite self to outwit me. I am the smartest one."
Metal Man (GM): Aribar casts the spell... *CLUNK* ...The gems are alive again. Magic fails on Schatze instantly.
Schatze: "Enough running for me. I will kill any of you who tries to destroy me. A fair trade, eh?"
Aribar: "Damnity damn damn!"
Metal Man (GM): He lets Deloth keep running. People facing Schatze: Do you fight him, or not?
Deloth: *Radioing the others* "I'm gonna have to keep going! I'll message you when I hit someplace safe!"
Aribar: "So what exactly do you want us to do then, Schatze?"
Kenku: "Del... find Metal! He's probably the only one who's going to get you out of this mess."
Schatze: "I have no device. My army is in the hands of the person in the satellite. What do I have left that you want?"
Deloth pulls out his radio, frantically searching for Metal's frequency, if he has one.
Schatze: "I will make my place among these other reploids. Unless you refuse. Then you will die."
Kenku: "When you say *Other Reploids* who do you speak?"
Deloth: *Muttering and wheezing a bit* "C'mon, Mets, you've got to have a radio frequency somewhere, pick it up..."
Metal Man (GM): Deloth: Search check. Deloth listens to K-Mobius talk radio. Deloth: running to the ship?
Deloth keeps flipping through frequencies.
Schatze: "Well. You know. Mavericks. It's a Maverick Continent. So... live and let live... or live and let die?" *He holds out a hand threateningly.*
Metal Man (GM): Deloth turns on K-EGGMAN
Kenku: "I was hoping you would say the Hunters..."
Deloth: "Oh, COME ON..." *Coughs and tries one more time.*
Dr. Robotnik: "Mwoo hoo hoo hoo! It's time for Eggman's Morning Food Hour!"
Metal Man (GM): You get... ...Panzer's frequency.
Aribar: "And once you limp away, will you just come after us again?"
Schatze: "Eh, of course not!"
Aribar: .oO(If nothing else, we're keeping one potential lunatic away from Del.)
Schatze: "I have no reason for that."
Kenku pulls his sword back, and looks to be ready to charge.
Deloth: "Metal! Metal, is that you?"
Schatze: "I'm giving you five seconds to stop that." *He points at Kenku.* "Five..."
Panzer: "No, it's not Metal you twit."
Deloth: "..."
Metal Man (GM): A bike is seen headed towards Deloth. But only by Deloth.
Schatze: "Four... three... two..."
Deloth: *R* "Panz, I've got what we've been looking for, but Ael's got everyone on the damn continent out for my blood. Can you call Metal?"
Metal Man (GM): Schatze gets into combat stance.
Deloth swears and takes off into flight.
Schatze: "One..." *He waits for any sudden change of heart.*
Metal Man (GM): Deloth: You fly aside. The bike goes the other way from the way you're flying.
Aribar: "Okay, let's just stop."
Metal Man (GM): Musta been a false alarm.
Kenku puts it down..."Fine."
Panzer: "No. I do not have his freq."
Schatze: "So... shall I leave?"
Aribar: "There's only three of us here; I don't fancy our odds against you, Schatze."
Deloth: *R* "...right. If you see him, contact him ASAP."
Schatze: "Well said."
Kenku: "There is a problem here Schatze... you joining the Mavs is going to cause a major tip in the balance on this continent probably..."
Deloth switches off Panzer, catches an air current, and scans the frequency band again.
Schatze: "All one remaining Maverick..."
Kenku: "Eh?"
Deloth: *Growling* "This thing is worthless..."
Schatze: "The Mavericks are dead. Except for one or two. I will simply live as they do, not bother to fight Maverick Hunters."
Aribar: "Vile's the only remaining Maverick I believe."
Kenku: "Oh..."
Deloth switches tactics and tries calling X.
Aribar: "Just know something, Schatze..."
Kenku puts his sword away.
Metal Man (GM): You readily find his freq.
X: *R* "What? Oh no. The radio is going off again. I was just getting used to the peace..."
Deloth: "X, I need some backup! I've got a device we need and someone's sent an all-points bulletin out for my death!"
Aribar: "You have been with us for a while. We may not be the most organized organization, and we may not be the strongest, but you know that we pursue any enemy that really hurts us, or backstabs us, gets hunted down until one or the other is dead."
X: *R* "You must forsake fighting. The cost of victory is too dangerous. Too many people die for the sake of petty feuds."
Deloth: "...X, put Zero on the frequency."
X: *R* "The war is never over, and some day you may have to destroy another Quester if you keep this up."
Metal Man (GM): Deloth: Something flies at you from behind. Dodge check.
Zero: *R* "Ah, hell. X, get away from the radio! That's the third time I've heard that nonsense!"
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* Deloth is hit.
Schatze: "Right." *He nods.*
Zero: *R* "...Get to our HQ, Deloth. We can't protect you out there, that's Maverick Territory. I've sent a ship, but we can't teleport in like we did just a while ago."
Deloth makes a sharp dive for the ground and starts running for Mav Hunter territory.
Metal Man (GM): 40 damage to Deloth.
Aribar: "Now, I suggest we go and find Deloth. Or we contact Metal and let him know about Deloth... I suggest the latter."
Schatze: "Shall I leave now? I don't want to be shot in the back... again."
Deloth uses a pair of Minor Heals on himself to patch himself up for 30 HP while he runs.
Metal Man (GM): You keep running. It seems like endless miles before you hit Mav Hunter territory. You hear a ship flying in the distance. Dodge check, Deloth. *BLAM* 40 more damage.
Aribar: "It seems as if we have a non-aggression pact; good bye, Schatze."
Schatze: "Good-bye." *He walks off.*
Deloth: "Ugh!" *Stumbles, but keeps running, again patching himself up with Minor Heal x2*
Aribar: "I have a feeling that letting him go was a mistake..."
Metal Man (GM): Deloth stumbles. But, to his luck, he winds up running towards a Maverick Hunter outpost!
Digifanatic: "It certainly would have been if our party was larger..."
Deloth: "Almost there..." *No way in hell I'm dodging that.*
Metal Man (GM): Now, Aribar & co: You hear rifle shots, and ships, and people wandering around. This continent is suddenly very active. Hm. Probably has to do with Ael's message.
Deloth: *R Zero* "I'm almost there, but someone's firing at me!"
Aribar: "I suggest we get back to the ship and go towards all of that fighting."
Metal Man (GM): Yup.
Zero: *R* "Keep running!"
Deloth staggers again, doing the usual heal-and-run routine. "Who the hell is firing at me?!"
Metal Man (GM): The Questers head towards the ship, IIRC.
Digifanatic: "Probably..." *To the ship, flying it where Ari suggested.*
Metal Man (GM): Digi's ship flies towards the aforementioned spot. Del is now out in front of the Mav Hunter outpost ... A purple figure walks in to the area too.
Vile: "Stop right there."
Deloth: "Oh, come ON..."
Metal Man (GM): He is attacked by guards.
Vile: "Guh... get out of my way." *He won't be held long.*
Deloth: *R Zero* "Vile's here too, FYI... Oh, man, I feel like I've just run a marathon..." *He takes off again in frantic running.*
Metal Man (GM): The Quester ship flies in over the outpost, and sees: A. Deloth B. The Outpost C. Vile, fighting guards D. A white glowing thing approaching from the forest. Not nearby.
Deloth: *More healing, more running...*
Metal Man (GM): 40 more damage as Deloth is hit in the leg. Deloth runs inside the base, and the door slams behind him.
Digifanatic: "I'm not gonna fire any missiles this time..."
Metal Man (GM): ...You see the white glow fly into range. It's Jack.
Jack: "Well well, a device to go back in time."
Deloth sits down, wheezing and desperately trying to catch his breath.
Vile: "Buzz off, his body is mine."
Jack: "No one tells me to go away."
Vile: "I do. Dislike it? Die!" *He leaps into his mech.*
Kenku grumbles and looks to Digi "Should I risk firing on them?"
Metal Man (GM): Jack and Vile begin fighting one another.
Digifanatic: "Not unless the guards are all killed..."
Metal Man (GM): Digi: You can land near the base and try to enter, if you wish. You see Metal Man wander around the outskirts, and smash a hole in a wall to get into the base, while Jack and Vile violently beat on one another with magic and mechs.
Digifanatic: *Goes for the open area near the base.*
Metal Man (GM): Deloth: The wall before you explodes as Metal Man breaks in.
Aribar: "I suggest we get down there so we can protect Deloth personally."
Digifanatic: "Yeah."
Metal Man (GM): You also hear all kinds of magic and mayhem.
Metal Man: "YEAAAAAHHHHH!!! ...Don't tell anyone I did that."
Deloth: "Metal! Oh, man, am I glad to see you--"
Metal Man: "...Ael probably wants you dead. Give me the device and I can run away with it."
Deloth: "...You ARE actually Metal, right?"
Metal Man: "Yes."
Metal Man (GM): Yes.
Deloth: "And your name IS Xavier whateverthehellyousaiditwas?"
Metal Man: "Yes. I don't think you have time for a third question. I do, but..."
Digifanatic: *Runs in where Deloth ran in.*
Metal Man (GM): Digi goes to run in. He sees Metal Man talking to Deloth.
Deloth: "...Good enough." *Pulls the device out and hands it to Metal.*
Metal Man (GM): And a shot flying at Deloth as he takes the device out. Deloth leaps out of the way.
Deloth: "GEEZ!"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man grabs the device.
Digifanatic: "Firing shots at you again..."
Metal Man: "Amazing. I thought you'd give it to that Red creep who tried to sneak it into his own hands."
Digifanatic: "May I take you back to the ship, Deloth?"
Metal Man: "Now..."
Aribar follows after Digi. "You are a very popular target, Deloth! And I am reminded. I have a question for you, Metal, after this is done."
Metal Man (GM): He rips a hole in his arm and hands it to Deloth. Wait... that's Metal's damaged device. He presses some buttons on it.
Deloth grabs the damaged device. "Excellent..."
Metal Man: "Fly to Capital City. Ael's devices will send them after you. But they won't go there."
Kenku will stay on the ship for the moment.
Metal Man: "Alternatively, you can fight those foolhardy enough to follow you. I will take this into my own hands, and we can consider this little Time Cop problem gone."
Deloth: "And what do I do with this? Decoy?"
Rinith: *wakes up on the ship where he passed out.* o.- "What's going on now?"
Metal Man: "Yes. Of course, I'll give you a way out, because..." *He points. Even Eggman's robots have arrived now, and are fighting with Red Text's.* "Everybody wants it."
Digifanatic: "Ahh."
Deloth: "Much appreciated, Mets..."
Metal Man: "Let's see..." *He presses a button.* "Damn. Damn! Daahhhhhh!" *He shakes his head. Then laughs.* "...It's broken."
Deloth: "..."
Metal Man: "That son of a b#$%h."
Aribar: "What."
Deloth: "...You have got to be shitting me. Metal, PLEASE, tell me you are joking."
Kenku: "Hey Rin... ya missed a lot... lets just say we found the time machine... sadly Ael found out and made it into a bloody mess" *he checks sensors in case a ship comes in.*
Metal Man: "Ael did it just to get all those people after you. Or at least... I'm picking up five kinds of energy burns."
Rinith: *Holds his head* "Bah, to much at once, I feel like I have a hangover..."
Aribar: "..."
Deloth: "Lucky me."
Metal Man: "...I could make a working one... with the parts from both." *He takes the other one.* "Okay. Here we go." *He points at a line between the base and the forest.* "You escort me out, I lead people away on a crazy goose chase."
Deloth: "Right. Be ready to run."
Digifanatic: "Right..."
Metal Man: "Then I will return to aid you in a more final solution to this... ...predicament."
Deloth: .oO(I REALLY hope that person that kept shooting at me isn't who I think it was...)
Metal Man: "Kill all the things that come at me. It won't be pretty."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man starts shooting at the mobs. People begin rushing towards him.
Deloth: "Ari, you got another healing charge, I could really use it."
Metal Man (GM): You can either A. Go to the ship, or B. fight them on the ground.
Deloth takes out both his swords and gets ready to engage combat.
Metal Man (GM): Naturally, failure means somebody else, probably undesirable, gets the device.
Rinith: "I..." *ugh...* "I can heal."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man probably won't die... least, they seem more obsessed with the device than him.
Aribar: *Cure on Del. +30 HP.*
Deloth: "Digi, get to the ship, we'll need aerial support!"
Metal Man (GM): Oh, and to start 'er off.
Panzer can be seen sitting at the edge of the woodline in silence, rifle across her leg. It was still smoking. She must have really been pumping off some lead. She'd only be noticed by those watching for her.
Digifanatic: "Yeah. I presume you'" *Runs over to the ship.*
Kenku: "Well... you might want to get out, I think were going to be taking off."
Digifanatic: "Yeah. I presume you'll be all on the ground?" *Runs over to the ship.*
Aribar: "Aye."
Digifanatic: "Alright." *Starts to fire it up and take it off.*
Rinith: "Well... I wake up and I get to kill stuff right away, I don't know if I should be happy about that or not." *has a slow start because of his hangover! Yay!*
Deloth: *Muttering, to Metal* "Think they'll still try to fight each other?"
Kenku: *R* "You guys want some clearing help?"
Metal Man: "No, I just got their attention." *R* "I'll be needing anything you got. We're horribly outnumbered."
Kenku: *R* "Then I apologize to Zero and Everyone get down!" *He will attempt to bring to ship up to hover level and fire the guns into the fray.*
Metal Man (GM): Order: Jack, Eggbots, Aribar, Deloth, Metal, Vile, Kenku, Digi, Rinith. We start with Jack, who turns around to face Metal Man.
Jack: "Give me the device. I will kill you otherwise."
Metal Man: *Pumps shotgun.*
Jack: "You asked for it!"
Metal Man (GM): Jack fires giant lightning bolts at Metal Man. Metal Man stands there, the lightning going from his suit into the ground.
Jack: "...It'll take more than that to stop me!"
Metal Man (GM): He makes a gesture; it rains explosions at Metal Man. Metal Man rolls out of the way.
Jack: "Bah!"
Metal Man (GM): Eggbots
Eggbot1: "Halt. Dr. Eggman must have a new time machine."
Metal Man: "No, you."
Metal Man (GM): They shoot at Metal with their guns. *PING PING PING PING.*
Metal Man: "Clear me a path!" *He points at the wall of foes in his way.*
Metal Man (GM): Mostly Eggbots and Jack.
Metal Man: "I can't dodge 'em forever. And they got a million attacks."
Metal Man (GM): It's like an SSQ twist on football, as Metal Man has the football and is poised to try to tackle his way through the mass into the forest.
Aribar: "Will, do, boss! Electrical death on its way!" *The half-elf thrusts Sunlight into the sky and a myriad of lightning spawns from the tip to sow chaos in the Eggbot ranks!* (Elec Ele x 6)
Metal Man (GM): The Eggbots fall over. More move to replace it, but you killed a chunk of them.
Deloth grabs the Orb, clutching it in his hand. Using it to focus his energy, he fires three more Electric Eles at the Eggbots!
Metal Man (GM): Big chunks of darkness fill the area, disorienting the robots.
Metal Man: "Good one! They'll have a harder time aiming..."
Deloth: *30 Elec damage to the bots.*
Metal Man (GM): Yup.
Deloth: "I try."
Metal Man: "Now... get outta my way!" *He leaps at Jack, trying to shove him down, Football style.*
Rinith: "Good use of the orb."
Metal Man (GM): Jack blocks him.
Jack: "Nuh-uh. Not until you give me that."
Metal Man: "Eat wrench!"
Metal Man (GM): *CLONK.*
Metal Man: "And again!"
Jack: *Parry* "Guh... no! You will... not... GET BY ME!"
Metal Man (GM): *BONK* Jack is hit twice. He stands his ground.
Metal Man: "Somebody get this jerk outta my way, he's cramping my style!"
Vile: "The device belongs to me. The bounty will pay for a new army."
Metal Man (GM): His titan mech leaps at Metal from behind and hurls a nasty spiked punch.
Metal Man: "Gah! They're everywhere!"
Metal Man (GM): *SMASH* Metal Man flies into Jack, who takes 50 damage. As does Metal.
Vile: "The device is mine. Out of the way!" *He goes to run both Jack and Metal over.*
Metal Man (GM): Metal and Jack get up at the same time and shove the entire mech over sideways.
Vile: "Gahhh!"
Deloth: "...Whoa."
Metal Man (GM): Think of it as mostly a free for all, yeah. Jack, Eggrobos, Vile will fire wherever they please. Jack stands in Metal's way.
Kenku yells again "get down!" and he does the action from before.
Metal Man (GM): Vile stands sideways, his mech having been toppled after he made the mistake of trying to run over both Metal Man and Jack at the same time.
Kenku raise ship to hover level and then strafe the whole mess.
Metal Man (GM): Sooo... you succeed in aiming at Jack, the Eggbots, and Vile, but it's a lot, so your roll counts as a 4. Jack is strafed, then... The Eggbots... And Vile. All of them take 40 damage. They all look at the ship angrily. Jack is still in Metal Man's way though.
Kenku fires another round on Jack if available.
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man has insane defense, so it MIGHT be feasible. But I doubt it. You miss, strafing at Metal Man by accident.
Metal Man: "Gah!"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man leaps out of the way.
Kenku: "Sorry..."
Digifanatic decides to fire one of the airship's missiles straight at Vile's mech's head...
Metal Man (GM): Your aim is not so true. You threaten everyone on the battlefield. Eggbots take 100 damage. Jack blocks it with a field. Deloth takes 100 damage.
Digifanatic: "CRAP, I DID IT AGAIN!"
Metal Man (GM): Metal's armor blocks the hit from him. Rinith takes 100 damage. Vile's mech, the intended target, takes no damage whatsoever.
Rinith: *just... barely is standing before he's even able to fight.*
Metal Man (GM): The area is now on fire. A tree falls over.
Metal Man: "That's only making the path worse! Clear the path... not blow it up!"
Deloth makes a strangling sound as he gets nuked horribly.
Kenku shakes his head "There was a reason I wasn't firing one of those..."
Digifanatic: *Pulls on his hair in anger.*
Metal Man (GM): Digi: You can do one more tech check.
Digifanatic just shoots a round of gunfire at Vile then...
Metal Man (GM): 110 damage as Aribar is blasted flying into the air and into a tree by Digi's missile. Metal ducks as violent gunfire flies at him. He barely evades it.
Metal Man: "Whoever did that, stop touching controls. Before I rip your arms off. Seriously."
Digifanatic: *Takes his hands off the weapons panel.*
Deloth: "Nnngh..." *He collapses to one knee, trying to stay conscious.*
Aribar is now... Stuck half in the tree, half on one side, half on the other... Rather dead.
Digifanatic: *Radio to Rinith* "Just heal yourselves..."
Rinith: *stands back up trying to keep conscious at 0hp, limping over to heal Deloth, and also about to heal Aribar only finding him dead, and instead heals himself twice.*
Metal Man (GM): Rinith does the healage.
Jack: "Hah! You fools! You only know how to destroy your friends!"
Metal Man (GM): He then turns to Metal, holding his white staff and smirking greedily.
Jack: "Give me the time device! I'm not going to ask again!"
Metal Man: "We'll see how many dents your face can take first."
Metal Man (GM): Yup. His staff's cracked. But not 'broke' broken.
Jack: "Be that way." *He conjures up a blinding beam of energy. Not death, but energy, to hit Metal Man.*
Metal Man: "Gah! Ow!" *He is burned to the tune of 70 damage.*
Metal Man (GM): Then he goes to violently smash Metal in the visor with his staff.
Metal Man: "Ow!" *SMASH.*
Metal Man (GM): It deals another 70.
Jack: "Serves you right. Your suit of armor doesn't scare me!"
Metal Man (GM): Eggbots. The remaining Eggbots fill the hole, and shoot at Metal Man indiscriminately. He is hit twice, for 30 damage.
Metal Man: "Taking OW! Damage! Clear a path before my head flies off, already!"
Metal Man (GM): ??? A shell whistles by, smashing into the outpost and blasting part of it down. A second one does the same destruction. Vile is confused, as it nearly hit his mech.
Vile: "Who's shooting those?"
Metal Man: "Need a path here! this guy's in my way!"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man points at Jack, hoping Deloth will attack him.
Metal Man: "If I have a path, I can possibly heal you, rather than..." *He coughs.* "Fight barbarians hand-to-hand."
Deloth gets up wobbily, then unleashes an unholy roar, dashing towards Jack and attempting to impale him on his blades.
Metal Man (GM): Well I'll be smacked.
Deloth: *18 damage.*
Metal Man (GM): He turns around and is stabbed in the shin, knocking him aside.
Jack: "You again. Get your sword out of my shin this instant!"
Deloth: "Sorry, can't hear you, blood in the ears."
Metal Man: "About time!" *He takes out a mushroom and smashes it into Deloth, healing him 50 HP.*
Deloth exhales. "Thanks, Metal, just in time."
Metal Man: "Keep near me and perhaps I can keep you alive. Someone bring Aribar's corpse to me." *He then suddenly does a weird arm gesture and weird hip-hop music plays as rollerblades extend from his boots and he starts rollerblading into the Eggbot mess.*
Metal Man (GM): He and the Eggbots begin fighting as he takes out two silver pistols and fires at them, and they try to tackle him. Hm, similar to a certain something... :p The Eggbots run around while Metal Man shoots holes in them. He's half-way through them but they're still in the way.
Deloth: "..." *Shakes his head* "Crazy."
Vile: "Bah. Fools fail where I succeed."
Metal Man (GM): Vile props up the mech and chases after Metal Man. He tries to run Metal Man over, avoiding Jack and Deloth. But threatening Eggbots too. The Eggbots take 50 damage. Metal ducks out of the way. He fires a stunner shot at Metal Man. It misses. But he fires another shot which turns into a flaming tornado and flies at Metal Man. It also misses. Vile is chasing Metal Man, however, which is something to be worried about.
Metal Man: "Can't catch me, tin can!"
Vile: "I will haunt you forever as long as you keep holding that device."
Metal Man (GM): The battle is shifting--towards the forest, where it appears some of Trevor's thugs in their black combat armor have set up camp. A dropship is outside. Clearly they also want a piece of this fake bounty Ael set.
Kenku decides to attempt to cut Vile's legs out from under him with a cannon round, before noting the camp.
Metal Man (GM): His mech's legs repel the fire. You may fire again, as I get a snack.
Kenku decides to deal with what's ahead insteaad of behind and fires a missile on the camp.
Metal Man (GM): A man in the camp hears the noise... he turns to face the missile.
Mercenary Man: "This isn't going to end we--" *BOOOOM.*
Metal Man (GM): The camp bursts into flames as the mercenaries scatter. Their dropship, angry that you did that, enters the fray!
Digifanatic: .oO(No missiles this time, no missiles this time, no missiles this time.. And go.) *fires a gun round at Vile's legs as well.*
Metal Man (GM): Roll the tech check. Because this would have happened. *PING PING PING* He moves out of the way.
Digifanatic: *More of the same towards the Eggrobos.*
Metal Man (GM): The Eggrobos... You kill off the last of 'em.
Rinith: *goes to heal himself with one more cure charge, then looks towards Jack and points his finger* "Roll over and die already" *Ice and Lightning Eles!*
Metal Man (GM): Jack is hit by both, for 20 damage. He is far from dying.
Jack: "You first!" *He fires deadly lightning at Rinith.*
Metal Man (GM): Roll dodge, Rinith. *ZOT* 70 damage. He turns to Metal Man.
Jack: "Fine. I'll do two things at once, lunkhead."
Metal Man (GM): He holds up a hand and tries to move Vile's mech into Metal Man like a bowling ball.
Rinith: *tries to dodge to the side, but is shocked and sent sprawling to the ground in mass pain* "Ugh..."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man leaps over it as Vile goes flying into a tree.
Jack: "..." *He clenches a fist and uses most of his energy teleporting to catch up.*
Metal Man (GM): Dropship. The blue dropship attacks the Quester ship with blue lasers. Blue! Blue! Blue everything! Ahhhhh!!! *BLAM* Shields at 80%. It fires again! *BLAM* 60%! Yow! Now this... THIS is something to miss... ile! Vile dodges despite not even knowing where it's coming from. Metal skates into the wrecked camp. Some men make gestures but are too on fire to shoot him. He instead tries to bludgeon Vile's mech. *WHAM WHAM WHAM* He gives it a new, dent-inspired paintjob. Too bad it's still chasing him.
Metal Man: "Give it up already!"
Vile: "No! You can't escape!"
Deloth uses the orb again to send another three Cat Eles at Jack! Hey, it worked before...
Metal Man (GM): Black cats fly through the air and hit Jack in the face.
Jack: "What the hell?" *SMACK SMACK SMACK.*
Metal Man (GM): Jack is thoroughly distracted.
Vile: "The device is nearly mine. Give up, weak human." *He goes to punch Metal in the back of the head, while driving.*
Metal Man: "OW! Get this thing away from me already, guys!"
Metal Man (GM): Metal takes 70 damage.
Kenku fires off a pair at the drop ship.
Metal Man (GM): No roll required--the ship sits there and is blasted by them. It was never made for inter-ship combat. It explodes violently. Oops.
Digifanatic first fires a round of gunfire at Jack since he's dealing with... THE CATS!
Metal Man (GM): Jack is actually quite far away from Metal now, but... +1 due to him being distracted. Vile is still chasing Metal Man. He blocks the gunfire with his staff.
Digifanatic tries to repair the ship then...
Metal Man: "Just get this guy away from me and we should be fine!"
Vile: "I am no 'guy.' I am a destroying machine."
Rinith: *tries to keep himself together, and kneeling, resorts to using 3 more cure spells on himself.* >.>;
Jack: "Enough of you!" *He fires lightning at the ship above him.*
Digifanatic: *Swerves out of the lightning's path!*
Metal Man (GM): Indeed.
Jack: "Bah!" *He fires the lightning at Deloth now.*
Metal Man (GM): With pathetic accuracy.
Deloth cartwheels out of the way.
Metal Man (GM): He finishes off by... well, he seems to be sufficiently disgusted now.
Jack: "Bah! I'll never catch that thing now..." *He vanishes!*
Metal Man (GM): It's down to Vile, chasing Metal Man, who is on rollerblades.
Deloth: "He... left?"
Metal Man: "This is getting very tiresome!"
Vile: "Your death approaches, weak flesh being."
Deloth shakes his head, using a Minor Heal on Metal and two Cats on Vile, focusing all through the orb.
Metal Man: "Thanks!"
Deloth: "I love this spell so much." *Moar dark kitties*
Vile: "What the?"
Metal Man (GM): Vile is hit by dark cats. They obscure his vision. He crashes into a tree.
Deloth snickers.
Metal Man: "There. Finally!"
Metal Man (GM): SUCCESS! Metal Man clears the trees and into the beach, holding the object.
Kenku makes a quick sensor check just in case.
Deloth: "Yeah, Vile, come back when you grow a pair." *He sheathes his blades.* "Alright, what now?"
Metal Man (GM): Vile's mech gets up. He points it at Deloth... ...then sees he's outnumbered and reverses his way out of sight. The Questers reunite on the beach, the ship overhead. Metal stops to catch his breath.
Metal Man: "Gah... guh... that was close! Especially with that missile!"
Digifanatic presumably lands the ship somewhere safe, unless someone objects.
Metal Man: "At least... I've got this..." *He clutches the device.*
Deloth tucks the orb back into his other stuff.
Rinith: "I wish I didn't have to focus so much on not dying..."
Deloth: "Need some more healing? I've got one or two charges left."
Metal Man: "Sure."
Metal Man (GM): Ael appears. He claps slowly.
Ael: "Well... I can't say I expected any of that..."
Rinith: "I can pitch in some h-- oh fuck."
Deloth heals Metal, then whirls around. "Oh, fuckin' DAMMIT."
Ael: "But now the game is over." *He holds out his hand.* "All you did was distract the only people who might try and stop me. There is no escape, and I can easily stop all of you."
Deloth takes out his swords again and crouches down. He's visibly critically injured, but he's still gonna fight if need be.
Metal Man (GM): *WHOOSH WHOOSH WHOOSH WHOOOSH* You hear... saber slashes? Ael's eyes bulge as he nearly falls over.
Deloth: "...Thanks for the backup."
Zero: "I don't care who you are, get off of this land. I've killed enough enemies. I see another one, and I will not be stopped by the fact you're a human!"
Metal Man (GM): Ael laughs and stands up.
Ael: "You can't slice me to pieces."
Zero: "Then I'll just have to shoot you!" *POW* *He gets hit in the face with a Z-buster shot.*
Ael: "...Now you are ANNOYING me. Do you know how many people have tried?"
Zero: "I'm not a person, and I don't care for speeches." *SLASH.*
Metal Man (GM): Ael turns to face Metal Man, who begins to creep away.
Ael: "Come back here... the device is m--OW!"
Zero: "I haven't seen too many humans as stupid or as durable as you. Maybe you're just a weak reploid."
Ael: "..." *He makes an angry hand gesture as the twilight blast hits him in the mouth.* "I'll get that part the minute I deal with him! You stand right there!"
Metal Man (GM): You hear a warning klaxon and Zero and Ael start viciously fighting one another. Metal Man runs into the woods.
Metal Man: "You guys go about your business. I'll contact yeh once I work out the problems with the device!"
Deloth pauses, unsure of what to do now...
Kenku brings the ship back to hover level.
Ael: "No you won't!" *He fires a bolt at Metal Man, but pays for it by getting slashed again.*
Digifanatic: "I... think... it's time we get outta here?"
Deloth: "Zero! Can you handle this guy or do you need backup?"
Metal Man (GM): While he is obviously more powerful than Zero, he can't both fight Zero and chase Metal Man, and so Metal escapes. Perhaps you should too.
Zero: "Get out of here! I'll hold him off."
Deloth nods and starts flying towards the ship. "Good luck!"
Kenku says "Alright..." and brings the ship low, opening the side to get people in "Make sure someone got Ari!"
Metal Man (GM): You leave as Zero slashes Ael in the right arm pretty nastily, and dances around a wall of fire.
Deloth shrugs and fires his last two Cat Eles at Ael before they take off.
Metal Man (GM): Ael curses at you as you take off. You find a note by Metal Man laying in your ship.
Deloth: *Reads.*
Kenku turns for home and hits the thrusters once everyone is on board. *R* "Zero we should be out of range soon... sorry for the base damage, and thanks for the help."
Metal Man: 'All of this Time Cop business will be resolved quick-like now. Thanks for trusting me. I wouldn't have if I were in your shoes. Unfortunately we'll have to take down Ael the hard way for it to end. Not the Red Text way. All he did was make it worse.'
Digifanatic: *Presuming Deloth read that out loud* "Well, good to see he still appreciates us."
Metal Man: 'If Ael dies and I obtain his device they shall forgo even invading, assuming both my former supervisors are as dead as I think they are. I suspect tales of what we have done have hit their HQ. And knowing them, they prefer to be bullies. They dislike people who hit back, even when they have the obvious advantage. Finally, I found out you rebuilt the Stadium. Cool. Maybe I will visit some time. -Metal Man'
Deloth sighs. "Well, one ray of light, I suppose."
Digifanatic: "Yes."
Metal Man (GM): So, you go back to HQ, the explosions fading out as that massive... battle... is over. +2 EXP
Deloth: "Alright... I'm ready for a break, I think..."
Digifanatic: "I think we always are after any given day..."
Rinith: "Thanks to that and already being out of shape, now I'm in pain." -.-
Digifanatic: *Turns around towards a more open end of the area and shouts out* "Weeeelll?"
Kenku steps off the ship a little tired, but none the worse for ware.
Deloth gets off, rather bruised and bloody and having used up all of his magic stocks.
Rinith: "Who wants... some after mission healing?"
Deloth: "Damn. I never knew that using that much magic could be so tiring..."
Digifanatic: "I'll be okay..."
Kenku: "The medicine cabinet should do Rin, although I think a sandwich or two is in order."
Deloth: "...I really wish I had more than this one outfit."
Digifanatic: "Eh, sometime after all this madness is done we could find some place and get some better clothes..."
Rinith: "Food..." o.o; "I haven't eaten in two days, how did I not notice?"
Deloth: "Maybe you're turning into a whatever-it-is, too." *He takes off the mask and taps it against a hand, chuckling.*
Digifanatic: "Who knows these days..."
Kenku walks off to the kitchen to make himself a "Dagwood."
Deloth: "Although I doubt that. No wings on your back or on the head."
Rinith: "I should have warn that weird mask, if it makes money out of pain, I feel horrible, or Aribar, being he dies a lot."
Digifanatic: "Yeah, since Ari needs the money for his spellbooks..."
Rinith: "And he probably won't mind its looks, it's almost perfect for him."