Many systems were used for SSQ 1 over the years. To try and remember them all is impossible. However, I have collected a number of relevant pages for your perusal here. Feel free to look through them--although none of them are currently in use. And are unlikely to be used again. So, archival purposes only.
For the earliest seasons, I have made it more convenient to figure out what the files were meant for by listing the entire frontpage link setup. This context is needed to figure out what the heck was going on, as the old days involved a huge amount of system files scattered to the wind. Once I finally ditched that format, well... the systems as linked shall be just one page each for those.
(Files vaguely listed in order that they were used, and if used at the same time, they reside in one single table cell. Also to make life easier I even combed the old sites and put ALL the frontpage links here... but I'm only gonna link the ones that make sense to have here, obviously.)
Season 1 (AD&D, THAC0) |
- Constitution: The legal document governing the Questers is here.
- What the?: New to the online RPing world? Want to know about the
specifics and situations of this particular one? Come here to learn the ropes!
- Initiations: Want to be a part of this? Come here to sign up!
- Money: You are being paid for this job; here is how much.
- Awards: One way of earning moolah.
- Items: Many items can be used; a list of all of the battle items are
- Pokémon: This is a sub-section where you learn of what comes out of
- Store: Buy some items if you wish with your cold hard cash.
- Melee Fighters: The original 25-ish fighters' stats changed to HP form
are here, along with any late newcomers.
- Melee Moves: Your arsenal of moves can be found here.
- Characters: Look at the brave fans that have chosen to protect the place.
- The Story: The History of Melee Stadium and the Super Smash Questers.
Smash Quest Group: Put in Smash Dex data here. Also chat about anything. (There was an old chat forum thing on an old bulletin board thing that's dead)
Season 2 (Early) (D&D 3/3.5, AC) |
- Constitution: The legal document governing the Questers is here (remade and updated)
- Items: Many items can be used; a list of all of the battle items arehere.
- Pokémon: This is a sub-section where you learn of what comes out of pokéballs.
- Store: Buy some items if you wish with your cold hard cash.
- Melee Fighters: The original 25-ish fighters' stats changed to HP form are here, along with any late newcomers.
- Melee Moves: Your arsenal of moves can be found here.
- Characters: Look at the brave fans that have chosen to protect the place.
- The Story: The History of Melee Stadium and the Super Smash Questers.
Smash Dex Entries: Information about the enemies found are here. (That old chat forum thing again; as you can guess, not here. None of the data survived anyway.)
- Weapons: Wreak devastation on your enemies with some of your favorite toys!
Contact Page: The new way to contact people when not on IRC! (Random people from over ten years ago probably don't want random people contacting them)
Season 2 (Late) (D20 Modern, AC) |
- How to Join: Discover how to join us.
- Characters: See who decided to join.
- Story: See what's been going on.
- Equipment: Find out how to use the stuff you collect! NOW NOT OUTDATED
The Credits: See who helped this game, and some lame jokes. (If I have a credits page it'll be somewhere else, and the old credits credited people whom I have no interest in giving 'credit' anymore.)
Season 3 |
- SSQ 101: Learn the dos and don'ts of SSQ. (October 27th, 2004)
- SSQ 101: Learn the dos and don'ts of SSQ. (October 29th, 2004)
- SSQ 101: Learn the dos and don'ts of SSQ. (November 30th, 2004)
- SSQ 101: Learn the dos and don'ts of SSQ. (December 12th, 2004)
Season 4 |
- SSQ 101: Learn the dos and don'ts of SSQ. (February 4th, 2005)
- SSQ 101: Learn the dos and don'ts of SSQ. (February 6th, 2005)
- SSQ 101: Learn the dos and don'ts of SSQ. (February 7th, 2005)
- SSQ 101: Learn the dos and don'ts of SSQ. (April 8th, 2005)
- SSQ 101: Learn the dos and don'ts of SSQ. (April 22nd, 2005)
- SSQ 101: Learn the dos and don'ts of SSQ. (June 13th, 2005)
Season 5 |
Season 6 |
Season 7 |
Season 8 |
Season 9 |
Season 10 |
Season 11 |
Season 12 |
- SSQ 101 V5: Read up on our current System. (September 16th, 2007)
- SSQ 101 V5: Read up on our current System. (October 24th, 2007)
More files are forthcoming; the systems often referenced external files involving moves, items, equipment, or other stuff. Those will be added in due time.